pakistan's karakoram mountains
pakistan's karakoram mountains

Trek Pakistan’s Karakoram Mountains


Pakistan’s Karakoram Mountains, which rise along the Northern horizon, create a spectacular landscape of towering peaks, glacier-carved valleys, and pristine nature.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Camping, Expedition Style, Hiking, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Trekking
  • Activity Level Leisurely
  • Group Size Medium Group
All about the Trek Pakistan’s Karakoram Mountains.

Start your walk among Pakistan’s highest peaks 

Trek Pakistan’s Karakoram Mountains: Trek through the Nangma Valley and the Karakoram Range in northern Pakistan, which has towering granite walls and verdant valley floors. The Baltistan region, also referred to as Little Tibet, is a haven for mountaineers. Spend four days hiking on clearly indicated, manageable paths that pass through beautiful fields and glacial streams and cross them. Camp out at the conclusion of each day. An experienced and friendly team of porters, guides, and camp cooks will be at your complete disposal. They will make delicious, fresh meals with regional Pakistani cuisine. Along the way from Islamabad, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with local Baltis and learn about their history and culture through dance, shared meals, and knowledgeable locals.

Why you’ll enjoy this journey

On clearly indicated paths, explore the Baltistan region of northern Pakistan’s Nangma Valley.

Experience fully-supported camping with knowledgeable guides, porters, and a team of skilled chefs who serve hearty Pakistani meals at each campsite.

Choose a day trip to Amin Brakk, also known as the Great Tower, a mountaineer’s heaven.

Attend a live Balti dance performance at the campsite in Nangma Valley and run into neighborhood shepherds whose fields are near these routes.

As you have some time to visit Islamabad, the country’s capital, benefit from the knowledgeable advice of your local leader.

The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.

Foreign travelers (non-Pakistani)

  • Adoption of Covid SOPs/Guidelines and Free Safety Pack (Sanitizer, One Mask, and One Pair of Gloves Per Day)
  • Licensed professional guide required by the government
  • The first and last days in Islamabad require airport transfers
  • Every single domestic road transfer
  • Each and every hotel room (twin-sharing room)
  • breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the hotel
  • Support personnel, such as assistants

Domestic travelers (Pakistani Nationals)

  • certified expert guide
  • Road transport (Islamabad to Islamabad)
  • According to the itinerary, hotels
  • Dinners at the hotel as planned
  • Support personnel (assistant(s), etc., as needed)
What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.

Foreign travelers (non-Pakistani)

  • Travel insurance is only recommended.
  • Pakistan visa (Supporting documents will be provided)
  • International airfare
  • Personal gear (shoes, clothing, etc.)
  • Guidesporters, employees, etc.: gratuities
  • Other expenses (beverages, calls, laundry, souvenirs, etc.)

Domestic travelers (Pakistani Nationals)

  •  Airport Transfers in Islamabad can be arranged for an extra fee.
  • Islamabad and nearby area sightseeing (may be arranged; additional fees apply)
  • Islamabad hotel accommodations (may be provided; additional fees apply)
  • Islamabad hotel meals can be supplied for an extra fee.
  • Insurance for travel (recommendations are available)
  • Pakistan does not require a visa
  • International airfare for Pakistanis living abroad
  • Personal gear, such as warm clothing and boots
  • Guides, porters, employees, etc.: gratuities
  • Other expenses (beverages, calls, laundry, souvenirs, etc.)
  1. Day 01  Arrive at Islamabad Airport

    Greetings from Islamabad! Your transportation to and from the Islamabad International Airport is included. If you arrive early, be sure to meet up with your group’s leader and other travelers for lunch and a city tour this afternoon. Get all the information about your forthcoming journey into Pakistan’s Yosemite at the Welcome Meeting back at the hotel at 6 o’clock in the evening.

  2. Day 02 Fly to Skardu

    First things first, check the weather; if it’s nice, you’ll take a one-hour scenic flight from Islamabad to Skardu. If the weather is bad, you’ll go through the Karakoram Highway and halt along the way at high summits that people have never set foot on. You will have some free time in Skardu, the entrance to the Karakoram mountain range, to explore and pick up any personal favorite snacks or a few trinkets at the Skardu market. Additionally, you can rent any hiking equipment you might have neglected to pack here. Don’t miss Manthal Rock Buddha, Kharpocho Fort, and Nansoq Organic Village while you’re in Skardu.


    Alternative schedule due to canceled flights

    Because of the quickly changing weather in the Karakoram, it may be necessary to alter our intended routes. Due to inclement weather, flights from Islamabad to Skardu may be postponed or canceled. Following is our backup plan in the event that inclement weather keeps fixed-wing aircraft from taking off:

    Day 2: From Islamabad to Naran, we’ll travel by car. The 280km total driving journey will take about 6 hours to complete. Along the trip, there will be several brief stops at places like the River Kunhar viewpoint, the Balakot Riverside Hotel, and the Mansehra viewpoint.

    Day 3, we’ll go by car from Naran to Khaplu. The overall driving trip is 460 kilometers, and it could take up to 10 hours if you stop in Skardu to buy or rent the items you’ll need. We’ll also stop at Lulusar Lake, Babusar Pass, Nanga Parbat Viewpoint, and the intersection of the three tallest mountain ranges in the world: the Karakoram, the Himalayas, and the Hindukush.

  3. Day 03 Drive to Khaplu

    As you travel to Khaplu by way of the little towns of the Ghanche district, continue into the highlands. Stop along the journey at the confluence of the Shayok and Indus Rivers. Visit the tiny town of Yugo and take part in a cultural village stroll, where you can meet some people and enjoy lunch while getting a sense of country life. Continue your journey to Khaplu, the Ghanche district’s capital, this afternoon. Enjoy some free time for exploration after checking into your accommodation. The organic garden and museum at Khaplu Fort are not to be missed.

  4. Day 04 Trek from Kanday to Mingulo Broq 

    Your hiking boots should be laced. Drive from Khaplu to Kanday Village after breakfast to meet your local support team of guides, porters, and camp cooks before beginning your walk into Nangma Valley. Although the initial half of your walk is brief, there are a few steep sections. To get to the Mingulo Broq campsite from Kanday, descend to a wooden bridge over the Hushe River, then climb through a small valley and over two suspension bridges. This green area is also a local meadow, situated next to the water and bordered by willow trees. You might have the opportunity to interact with local herders. You’ll have time to relax at camp or go for a nature walk after lunch at the campsite. Dinner will be local Balti cuisine, including balay (soup), chapshoro, and other Pakistani specialties, prepared by your kitchen staff. Be sure to look up and soak in the breathtaking starry night sky before slipping into your sleeping bag.

  5. Day 05 Trek the Nangma Valley

    After fueling up with a hearty breakfast, travel from Mingulo Broq to the Nangma Valley while passing through verdant green fields next to a glacier stream. The route today is rather level, passing through one creek and across another. By lunchtime, you’ll reach your next destination, the Nangma Valley campsite, where you can have a freshly prepared hot dinner and some free time to soak in the breathtaking views. You can see Shingu Charpa’s North Ridge by looking out over the valley. Enjoy another hot dinner of regional soup and a variety of local and continental Chinese/Pakistani delicacies for dinner.

  6. Day 06 Trek to Nangma Valley 

    Decide how you want to spend the day after checking in with your feet this morning. Choose to go on a day trip to Amin Brakk base camp (4500 meters), which is located at the bottom of the towering rock face and is home to one of the world’s most stunning climbs. Start with a rocky ascent, then continue on a plateau that is mostly flat, before making the last ascent. Enjoy some free time to explore on your own at the base camp before enjoying some refreshments and following your own footsteps down to the Nangma campground. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to keep your head down, head to camp and unwind. You won’t want to miss the sunrise from up here, either way. If you decide to spend the day staying close to camp, try out your scrambling prowess on some nearby rocks or embark on a search for native Karakoram bird and flower species. This evening, take in a live Balti dance and music performance. Feel free to participate!

  7. Day 07 Trekking back to Nangma Valley & Shigar

    This morning, make the journey back to Kanday, where you can join a local family for a traditional lunch. This afternoon, you and your company will return to Shigar via road, stopping occasionally to take in the scenery and take in the sights. Spend the night tonight at a guesthouse that is run by a family.

  8. Day 08 Fly or Drive to Islamabad

    Again, today’s plans may be impacted by the weather. In good weather, you can drive from Shigar to the Skardu airport, from which you can take a flight back to Islamabad. In this scenario, you’ll check into your hotel in Islamabad, eat lunch, and then have some free time to explore. Make sure to seek advice from your leader. You’ll have some free time in Naran if the weather isn’t cooperative, and your guide will be happy to propose activities or organize a tour of the area for the group.

  9. Day 09 Contingency/Backup Day in case of Flight cancellations

    If you didn’t travel by air yesterday, you’ll travel by road to Islamabad today. Do some sightseeing in the capital if you’re already there. Don’t miss the Taxila Museum, which is located near several significant archaeological sites and houses a rare collection of Gandharan art from the first century.

  10. Day 10 Fly to home country

    After breakfast today, your journey comes to a close. Take advantage of the airport transfer.

Package Confirmed Dates Trip Status Trip Status Price (PP) Excluding Flights Price (PP) Including Flights  
July 19, 2024 - July 28, 2024
August 16, 2024 - August 25, 2024
September 6, 2024 - September 15, 2024