pakistan hindukush karakoram

Pakistan Hindukush Karakoram


Discover the breathtaking grandeur of Pakistan Hindukush Karakoram mountain ranges, which contain some of the tallest peaks in the world.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Family, Guided, Hiking, Tours & Sightseeing
  • Activity Level Leisurely
  • Group Size Medium Group
All about the Pakistan Hindukush Karakoram.

Pakistan Hindukush Karakoram: Get ready to go out on a remarkable tour that will engulf you in the rich tapestry of old cultures, mighty mountain ranges, and the welcoming warmth of the locals. This extraordinary expedition will take you deep into Pakistan’s Hindu Kush Karakoram region, where you will have the chance to experience the Kalash Valleys’ captivating way of life, discover the Hunza Valley’s allure, cross the Hussaini Rope Bridge, and travel the fabled Karakoram Highway.

The Kalash valleys, which connect Chitral with Afghanistan and, consequently, with the Central Asian regions of the former USSR, are evidence of a peculiar old culture that coexists among the soaring peaks of the Hindukush Mountains. The Kefirs of the Kalash tribe, who revere nature, refer to these tranquil and majestic valleys as their home. They reside specifically in three of the several valleys tucked away between the snow-capped summits. Notably, the famed Wakhan Corridor is the little stretch of territory in Central Asia that connects Chitral to Tajikistan by just 25 kilometres.

The inhabitants of Chitral, often known as Chitralis, are well known for their peaceful dispositions, profound love of music and dance, and intense pride in their distinctive cultures. The game of polo originated in this area, and it is still played here in a free-style, no-rules fashion. In the first week of July, an exciting polo contest between opposing teams from Gilgit and Chitral takes place at Shandur, the highest polo pitch in the world.

The Hot Spring Valley, a haven of rest and amusement, is not far from Chitral town. You can take a relaxing dip in the sulphur springs and practise fly-fishing in the pristine mountain streams here. The Kalash Valley, which is next to this valley, is home to about 4,000 non-Muslim Kafirs who live in about 20 lovely villages. The word “kafir” refers to non-Muslims, while the word “Kalash” means “black,” alluding to the black hair drapes that Kalash women wear and fall down their backs. The Kalash people are well known for their vivacious dances and cultural manifestations, however, these ladies do not wear the pardah (veil).

Your voyage continues with a vehicle excursion across Gilgit Baltistan’s spectacular Hindu Kush and Karakoram mountain ranges, giving you a look at some of the planet’s most stunning scenery. The journey begins with a flight from Islamabad to Chitral, then continues with a three-day drive via the difficult Hindu Kush range that leads to the Karakoram region. With its mesmerising beauty and the appeal of rope bridges like Hussaini Passu glacier, the Hunza Valley beckons. Here, you will discover what it’s like to live in Pakistan’s high mountains and develop an understanding of the tenacity and spirit of the local people.

The highlight of your vacation will be a drive down the Karakoram Highway, which is frequently praised as one of the world’s finest road trips and offers panoramic views of the Hindu Kush and Karakoram mountain ranges. You will carry with you the memories of an adventure that captures Pakistan’s cultural richness, natural splendour, and the resilient spirit of its people as you travel back to Islamabad.


  1. Day 01 Arrive at Islamabad International Airport

    We will take a quick tour of Islamabad after picking you up from the airport and assisting you with checking into your hotel.

    It is anticipated that visitors will show up in the early morning hours.

    Islamabad overnight.

  2. Day 02 Drive to Chitral - Kalash Valley

    Driving to the Kalasha valleys from Islamabad takes a full day.

    It will take the entire day to drive here, including the 10 km Lowari tunnel that connects Chitral with the rest of Pakistan. We will immediately travel to the Kalasha Valleys after arriving in the Chitral region.

    Kalasha valleys overnight.

  3. Day 03 Explore Kalash Valleys

    We will spend two days seeing the Rumbour and Bumboret valleys, lodging in inns run by locals, dining on locally-produced food, and savoring locally-produced wine. The days will be spent lazing around or traveling by jeep to the secluded valleys’ Kalasha communities. We will make sure that you stay with Kalasha households so that you can fully experience the distinctive culture of the Kalasha people.

    This day will be spent in the more tranquil Rumbour Valley.

    Spend the night in a very basic guesthouse in the Kalasha valleys.

  4. Day 04 Explore Kalash Valley

    We attempted to plan this trip to coincide with the ”Marachwaki Joshi” festival, a little-known celebration of the mulberry harvest in the Bumboret region.

    Spend the night in a very basic guesthouse in the Kalasha valleys.

  5. Day 05 Drive to Chitral

    Driving to Chitral in the morning. After lunch on your own, spend the afternoon in Chitral exploring the fort, the Shahi Mosque, and the neighborhood market.

    Stay in Chitral

  6. Day 06 Drive to Mastuj

    The Hindu Kush is traversed by the road that connects Chitral and Gilgit. The road quality deteriorates as the mountains grow larger. The trip takes us three days (days 6, 7, and 8). Drive times and road conditions may change in 2024 as this road is undergoing development.

    We will take a break from the journey the first night at Mastuj, which is more of a collection of small properties connected by meandering lanes than a town. It is the ideal location to do nothing but take in the scenery.

    Mastuj, spend the night.

  7. Day 07 Drive to Phandur via Shandur Pass

    We continue on our journey through the Hindu Kush, passing over the 3700-meter Shandur Pass, which is home to the highest polo pitch in the entire world.

    We take a break from the ride in the afternoon at Phandur to unwind by the lake.

    Sleep in Phandur.

  8. Day 08 Drive Phandur to Gilgit

    Drive to Gilgit, the largest town in Pakistan’s far north, from Phandur. We’ll stop by the carving of Kargah Buddha at Gilgit’s border.

    Gilgit overnight.

  9. Day 09 Drive to Hunza 

    We leave Gilgit and go over the renowned Karakorum Highway to the legendary Hunza Valley. As massive 7500m+ peaks tower above the valley, the morning drive will make stops at several lookout locations.

    When we get to Hunza, we’ll go to the Baltit Fort.

    Then, Hunza serves as our home base while we tour the neighborhood.

    Spend the night at Hunza.

  10. Day 10 Explore Hunza and Surrounding Areas

    In Hunza, we have two days of action-packed excursions planned. But sometimes all you want to do is read a book while sitting beneath an apricot tree and admiring the mountains.

    We will pass the recently formed Attabad Lake on our way to Passu one day. The mighty Indus River was dammed by a major landslip in 2010, which then gave rise to the 30-km-long lake. We can see the glacier and the well-known Husseini rope bridge at Passu.


    Spend the night at Hunza.

  11. Day 11 Explore Hunza and the Surrounding area

    Today, one of the historic residences of the Hunza Mirs, the ancient fort of Altit, will be our destination. For those who are physically able, we will walk along the elevated irrigation channels carved into the rock, which offer breathtaking vistas and provide insight into how the Hunza people built their Shangri-La.

    Spend the night at Hunza.

  12. Day 12 Drive to Naran from Hunza

    From Hunza to Naran, it takes a lengthy day to travel.

    The first phase will be along the Karakorum Highway, passing the meeting place of the three major mountain ranges. We exit the Karakorum Highway and traverse the 4000-meter-high Babasur Pass before ending our adventure at Naran in the Kaghan valley after traveling between the Himalayas, the Karakorum, and the Hindu Kush.

    Spend the night at Naran.

  13. Day 13 Drive to Islamabad

    Another day was spent admiring the Kaghan Valley’s natural beauty and the last stretch of the Karakoram Highway. We’ll reach Islamabad early enough to share one last lunch.

    Islamabad overnight.

  14. Day 14 Fly back to Home country

    Transfer to the airport

    The trip is over.

Package Confirmed Dates Trip Status Trip Status Price (PP) Excluding Flights Price (PP) Including Flights  
June 12, 2025 - June 25, 2025