gasherbrum v expedition

Gasherbrum V Expedition


Gasherbrum V Expedition to scale the spectacular 7,147-meter-high Gasherbrum V peak in the Karakoram Range. Adventurers may enjoy breathtaking views and an exciting climbing experience on this strenuous trek.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Camping, Climbing, Expedition Style, Mountaineering, Trekking
  • Activity Level Challenging
  • Group Size Large Group
All about the Gasherbrum V Expedition.

Set off on a remarkable trek to conquer Gasherbrum V, better known as G5, a magnificent mountain that soars to a stunning height of 7,147 metres above sea level. In the Skardu district of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, this towering peak is a crucial component of the massive Gasherbrum massif, which is tucked away amid the breathtaking Karakoram mountain ranges. Gasherbrum V, which was formerly a portion of Gasherbrum IV’s southern ridge, was given its distinct name in 1934 as a result of the meticulous naming of Swiss geologist and Himalayan authority, Gunter Oskar Dyhernfurthi.

One of the world’s most famous mountain ranges, the Karakoram Mountain Range, covers the gorgeous landscapes of Pakistan and China. It is home to some of the most recognisable peaks in the world, including the famed K2, Gasherbrum, and Nanga Parbat. This mountain range, which spans an area of 500 kilometres long and 200 km wide, effortlessly connects to the Hindukush and Himalaya Mountains at different points to create a beautiful tapestry of natural beauty.

The account of how Gasherbrum V was conquered is a monument to human perseverance and mountaineers’ unflappable spirit. The first known effort to reach its top took place in August 1978 when a tenacious Japanese expedition of 12 people set out to scale its intimidating heights. Only three team members succeeded in getting to the mountain’s East III side’s elevation of 7,006 metres despite facing several difficulties. Tragically, the trip was ruined by the death of Ryuichi Babaguchi, their acclaimed team leader, who met with a terrible accident after a terrifying crevasse fall.

A determined French team set out on another daring effort to conquer Gasherbrum V two years later, this time from the mountain’s southern flank. Success escaped them despite their steadfast efforts, as it had in the past. The perseverance of mountaineers was on display in the years that followed as they made many attempts to ascend Gasherbrum V’s top. Sadly, despite their efforts, they were only able to reach elevations lower than 6,700 metres.

Two fearless Korean climbers named Nak-jong Seong and Chi-young embarked on a perilous ascent of the mountain along its northeastern face in the summer of 2014, leaving a memorable chapter in the mountain’s history in their wake. They overcame enormous obstacles and exhaustion to reach the peak of Gasherbrum V thanks to their fortitude and bravery. Their difficult 24-hour descent, which was cloaked in darkness, was evidence of their unwavering resolve, even in the face of risky daytime avalanches.

Join us on the Gasherbrum V Expedition for a stunning and unforgettable trip where the drive of exploration and the pursuit of climbing excellence collide.


  • Competitive rates for a peak in Pakistan’s untamed mountains that is part of the 7,000-meter club
  • For logistical arrangements to and from the summit, a field office and permanent staff are needed.
  • Itinerary based on the extensive knowledge and experience of our mountain guide
  • Breathtaking mountain views throughout the expedition
  •  Karakoram Trails is a fully authorized indigenous adventure company
  • Our Pakistani High Altitude Climber(s) (HAC) typically guides fixed departures.
  • Private groups are always a key priority for us.
  • Both guided adventures and unguided (alpine-style) climbing are catered to by our company.
  • Both “base camp services” and “full board services” are what we offer.
  • Sherpas from Nepal can be hired promptly (at least six months before arrival in Pakistan).
  • The following High-Altitude Assistance is chargeable.
  • a. High Altitude Porter (HAP) from Pakistan, who will transport 20 kg of personal gear between camps
    b. A Nepalese private sherpa, or personal guide/porter, will accompany you on your journey, carry up to 20 kg (44 lbs) of personal gear, meltwater, cook, and be there for you at all times.
    c. Personal equipment transportation service: Sherpas transport up to 10 kg (22 lbs) of personal items between camps and up and down the mountain.
The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.
  • Base camp lodging (single supplement)
  • complete base camp with a dining tent, restrooms, showers, and solar power
  • All domestic/internal transportation
  • Every domestic flight
  • 50 kilograms (110 lb) of personal belongings
  • All meals (B, L, D) while on the trek and at base camp
  • Group satellite phones and emergency devices with a set calling fee
  • Arrival and departure nights of two nights each in an Islamabad hotel (bed and breakfast only)
  • Guides, cooks, kitchen workers, assistants, porters, etc. are covered by staff insurance.
  • Pakistani cook with experience
  • Kitchen personnel
  • Porters for all supplies for the expedition
  • Base camp solar power
  • Generator of electricity (backup for high-voltage equipment)
What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.
  • Airfare for travel abroad
  • Fees for permits and royalties are based on the number of people
  • Personal gear for climbing, dressing, and sleeping
  • Equipment for group climbing, including rope, ice axes, snow bars, EPI gas and other items
  • Insurance coverage for mountain rescue and evacuation is required.
  • Food and lodging above base camp
  • Any assistance beyond base camp
  • Talking radio (walkie-talkie)
  • Climate reports
  • Cargo of personal items to/from Islamabad
  • Visa cost for Pakistan
  • $250 total in tips/gratuities for the staff, cook, and assistant(s).
  • In Islamabad, meals
  • Additional hotel stays following the ascent
  • Insurance against lost travel
  • All costs incurred in the event of an early wind-up or summit (additional hotel stays, hotel meals, and evacuation)
  • Charges incurred as a result of delays that are beyond Karakoram Trails’ control (for cause majeure)
  • Personal correspondence between Pakistan and the home country by phone, fax, and email.
Package Confirmed Dates Trip Status Trip Status Price (PP) Excluding Flights Price (PP) Including Flights  
June 20, 2025 - July 30, 2025