chilam joshi festival

Chilam Joshi Festival


The Kalasha community in Chitral, Pakistan, celebrates the Chilam Joshi Festival every year to greet spring, ask for blessings for a bountiful harvest, and keep alive their rich cultural traditions.


  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Culture, Days Trips, Family, Guided, Hiking, Tours & Sightseeing
  • Activity Level Leisurely
  • Group Size Large Group
All about the Chilam Joshi Festival.

The Kalash community in the isolated valleys of Chitral, Pakistan, celebrates the Chilam Joshi Festival, which is a colourful and important cultural event. It is a yearly spring celebration celebrated in May to honour the gods and celebrate the beginning of a new season with a bountiful harvest and protection from natural disasters.

The Kalash people, who have a distinctive polytheistic religion, participate in a number of ceremonies and festivals during the Chilam Joshi Festival. Men dress in traditional robes and headdresses, while women and girls don colourful dresses embellished with elaborate jewellery and beadwork.

The local community performs rituals, dances, and music as part of the event. Traditional musical instruments like flutes and drums are played while people congregate outside and dance in circles. The Kalash people bring milk, cheese, and bread to their gods as a sign of appreciation and to ask for favours for their community.

Chilam Joshi is a festival that honours agriculture and the natural world while also providing a chance for social contact and matchmaking. Young people are encouraged to meet potential life partners during this period, and it is thought that those who fall in love during the festival will experience good fortune in the future.

The Chilam Joshi Festival is a fascinating and vibrant occasion that draws tourists from all across Pakistan and the world because it offers a distinctive look into the Kalash culture and way of life. The Chilam Joshi Festival, like many indigenous celebrations, struggles to maintain its originality and cultural relevance in the face of modernisation and outside influences.

The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.

Foreign travelers (non-Pakistani)

  • Adoption of Covid SOPs/Guidelines and Free Safety Pack (Sanitizer, One Mask, and One Pair of Gloves Per Day)
  • Licensed professional guide required by the government
  • The first and last days in Islamabad require airport transfers
  • Every single domestic road transfer
  • Each and every hotel room (twin-sharing room)
  • breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the hotel
  • Support personnel, such as assistants

Domestic travelers (Pakistani Nationals)

  • certified expert guide
  • Road transport (Islamabad to Islamabad)
  • According to the itinerary, hotels
  • Dinners at the hotel as planned
  • Support personnel (assistant(s), etc., as needed)


What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.

Foreign travelers (non-Pakistani)

  • Travel insurance is only recommended.
  • Pakistan visa (Supporting documents will be provided)
  • International airfare
  • Personal gear (shoes, clothing, etc.)
  • Guides, porters, employees, etc.: gratuities
  • Other expenses (beverages, calls, laundry, souvenirs, etc.)

Domestic travelers (Pakistani Nationals)

  •  Airport Transfers in Islamabad can be arranged for an extra fee.
  • Islamabad and nearby area sightseeing (may be arranged; additional fees apply)
  • Islamabad hotel accommodations (may be provided; additional fees apply)
  • Islamabad hotel meals can be supplied for an extra fee.
  • Insurance for travel (recommendations are available)
  • Pakistan does not require a visa
  • International airfare for Pakistanis living abroad
  • Personal gear, such as warm clothing and boots
  • Guides, porters, employees, etc.: gratuities
  • Other expenses (beverages, calls, laundry, souvenirs, etc.)


  1. Day 01 Arrive at Islamabad International Airport

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 540 meters

    We will begin our first day of this grand adventure by spending the afternoon in Islamabad. We will go to the Heritage Museum to learn about and discover the diverse cultures that exist in Pakistan. Following lunch, we’ll continue on to the Pakistan Museum. After visiting the city’s well-known landmark, Faisal Mosque, we’ll continue driving to Islamabad’s highest vantage point, Pir Sohawa/Daman e Koh. We’ll also visit a supermarket, and after sampling some local cuisine, we’ll call it a day after enjoying an ice cream cone from a well-known ice cream parlor.

  2. Day 02 Drive to Swat Valley

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 975 meters

    Today, we’ll travel to Swat, a stunning hill town in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province, formerly known as NWFP. We will go down the recently built highway that will cut the distance between Islamabad and Swat in half. In the past, Swat served as both a Buddhist Civilization hub and a former royal kingdom. We’ll visit the bazaar, the white palace, and old Buddhist settlements’ ruins.

  3. Day 03 Drive to Chitral 

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 1,050 meters

    We shall depart today for Chitral from Swat. The 10.4-kilometer Lowari Tunnel, which connects Dir and Chitral, will be our route of travel. Prior to the tunnel’s construction, travelers had to use the Lowari Pass, and the Chitral Region was cut off from the rest of the nation for six months. We shall arrive at Ayun today. The closest communities to the Kalasha Tribes are in Ayun, which is also a lovely valley to experience and explore. We’ll be staying in the Ayun Fort, which has lovely botanical gardens and a vantage point from which to see the valley and river. The Ayun Fort will be our home for the evening.

  4. Day 04 Travel to Rumbur Valley to take part in the Chilam Joshi Festival

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 1,100 meters

    To enjoy the Chilam Joshi Festival, we will travel to Rumbur Valley, one of the principal settlements of the Kalasha Tribe, today. One of the Kalasha Tribe’s most important festivities, it marks the arrival of spring in the area. In order to explore the distinctive culture of the Kalasha people, we shall stroll to the town center. We’ll sample Kalasha cuisine today during lunch in a local home. We’ll travel to Bumburet later in the evening and remain there.

  5. Day 05 Explore Bumburet Valley, Kalash

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 1,100 meters

    We will begin touring the Bumburet Valley on this day. We’ll go to the neighborhood museum. The Town Centre and the Kalasha Cemetery. Later, when all the tribes have gathered in Bumburet, we shall participate in the massive festival. We will engage with the Kalasha Tribe, dance, take pictures, and personally experience this distinctive culture. We will proceed to Chitral later and spend the night at the Pamir Hotel next to the Chitral River.

  6. Day 06 Explore Chitral

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 1,494 meters

    We will go to Chitral Town. The historic kingdom of Chitral’s capital, Chitral Fort, will be our next stop. This fort served as the regional capital. Later, we’ll go to Chitral’s Shahi Mosque, which is located on the grounds of the fort. The next stop will be Birmoglasht, a mountaintop town. In addition to providing a bird’s-eye perspective of the valley, it also raises the possibility of seeing the local Markhor. On this day, lunch will be served at Birmoglasht. If a polo match is in progress in Chitral Town, we will head to the polo pitch and watch the exciting game. We’ll later tour Chitral Bazar. Dinner will be served at the hotel.

  7. Day 07 Drive to Mastuj Village

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 2,359 meters

    We will go from Chitral Town to Mastuj on this day. Mastuj is the largest settlement in the Yarkhud Valley, which borders Afghanistan and Gilgit-Baltistan on opposite sides. Along the river gorge, we shall pass a lot of Chitral villages. When we get to Mastuj, we’ll have a stroll around the community and get to know the locals. The following night will be spent at Mastuj.

  8. Day 08 Travel towards Ghizer District via Shandur Pass

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 2,217 meters

    We will go from Chitral to Gupis, commonly known as Khalti, on this day. Ghizer District in the Gilgit-Baltistan Region includes Khalti. We will drive through many Laspur villages as we cross the Shandur Pass. We’ll make a brief stop in Shandur, where we may explore the high alpine Shandur Lake and the world’s highest polo pitch, the Shandur Polo Ground. We will travel via the Barsit, Langar, and Teru highland grasslands and meadows. We’ll also stop for a short while in the lushly green Phandar Valley, which contains a stunning still lake. 

    After arriving in Khalti, we will check into our hotel. After relaxing for a while, we will explore the neighborhood’s villages and get some great shots of the lake. On this day, one of our meals will be trout fish.

  9. Day 09 Drive to Gilgit

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 1,500 m

    We shall go from Khalti to Gilgit on this day. The regional capital of Gilgit-Baltistan is Gilgit. When we get there, we’ll go to a hotel and rest. After lunch, we’ll travel to Kargah Nala to see the well-known Buddha carving. We’ll later visit the Gilgit Bazaar and sample the ”Mantu” (dumplings). Before beginning our journey to the ”Land of Legends”—Hunza—we will unwind and spend the night in Gilgit.

  10. Day 10 Drive to Hunza Valley

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 2,500 meters

    Given that we are currently traveling to Hunza, today will be unique and exciting. Let me tell you that Hunza is a complete destination with stunning landscapes, glaciers, towering mountains, lakes, a rich cultural history, an international border, and the Karakoram Highway, the eighth wonder of the world. We’ll be able to witness the ancient silk road that was utilized for commerce when we head out on the Karakoram Highway. At Rakaposhi View Point, we’ll pause so that you can sip some tea or coffee and take in the cool breeze from the Mother of Mist. 

    From the window seat, we will be able to see stunning peaks as we drive towards Hunza and when we arrive in Karimabad. Every nature lover will be astounded by Rakaposhi’s perspective as this highly visible mountain passes over her head. On this day, we will explore Karimabad Market, Baltit Fort, and Altit Fort. Later, we will go to the renowned Eagle’s Nest View Point to watch the sunset over the towering peaks.

  11. Day 11 Explore Hunza

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 2,700 meters

    We will go to Northern Hunza on this day, where we will go boating on Atabad Lake. You will be astounded by the immaculate glacial water, the hue of the lake, and the bare mountains. We shall proceed on our journey, traveling through other Upper Hunza settlements before arriving at Deh and the Khunjerab National Park. We shall go on the breathtaking Karakoram Highway adventure. On the way back, we’ll stay at Passu.

  12. Day 12 Explore Passu Village

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 4,693 meters

    We will start this day by strolling through the Passu Village. We’ll see folks working in the field, and we’ll also stop by a local residence to see how the Wakhi Community of Pakistan lives and how their architecture is constructed. We’ll go to Borith Lake, which is another stunningly colored mountain lake. In order to feel the thrill of the mountains, we’ll also stroll on the Hussaini Suspension Bridge. We will continue on to Hopper Valley, where we will be astounded by its splendor. To reach Bualtar Glacier, we will walk. We shall enjoy the Hunza people’s dances and songs this evening.

  13. Day 13 Drive to Besham from Hunza

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 2,409 meters

    We will depart from Hunza on this day and proceed to Besham. Another lovely hill town with lovely views is Besham. On the route, we’ll stop for brief intervals.

  14. Day 14 Drive towards Islamabad

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 540 meters

    We will depart from Islamabad on this day and arrive in Islamabad. We will stop at the Taxila Museum and historic Buddhist sites from the Gandhara Civilization along the route. After that, we’ll travel another 45 minutes to Islamabad, where we’ll have our goodbye meal at the Monal Restaurant.

  15. Day 15 Fly to your home country

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 540 meters

    Every wonderful thing must eventually come to an end. Today is the day we formally say goodbye to our visitors and fellow members. The tour concludes today.

Package Confirmed Dates Trip Status Trip Status Price (PP) Excluding Flights Price (PP) Including Flights  
May 11, 2025 - May 25, 2025