burji la trek
burji la trek

Burji La Trek


The Burji La Trek in Pakistan’s Karakoram Mountains is an amazing journey that takes trekkers via a high mountain pass with panoramic views of iconic peaks like K2 and Nanga Parbat.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Camping, Climbing, Guided, Hiking, Tours & Sightseeing, Trekking
  • Activity Level Moderate
  • Group Size Medium Group
All about the Burji La Trek.

The Burji La trek offers a breathtaking route that crosses via this natural pass with a remarkable elevation of 5,000 metres, which is located amid the mesmerising Karakoram Mountains of Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. This journey, which connects Skardu to Deosai National Park, is a hidden gem that offers visitors the chance to explore some of the most breathtaking landscapes and see recognizable mountain peaks in all their grandeur.

Burji La, often referred to as Burji Pass, is famed for its panoramic panoramas that provide breathtaking views of legendary peaks like K2, Nanga Parbat, Masherbrum, Golden Peak, Chogolisa, Laila Peak, Gasherbrum I, Gasherbrum II, and even a portion of Broad Peak. The pass itself is a natural wonder that provides a link between two magnificent regions, Skardu and Deosai.

The adventure of this expedition promises to leave an enduring impression on the hearts of those who participate in it. Skardu, a location renowned for its breathtaking vistas and extensive history, is where the journey starts. Trekkers go from there on a seven-day excursion that takes in the highlights of the Burji La Mountain Pass and its surroundings.

Exploring the Deosai Plateau, a huge and uninhabited environment distinguished by its distant and wild beauty, takes up the first two days of the walk. This plateau is a distinctive environment that provides refuge to a wide range of fauna and exudes an ethereal allure.

As you proceed up the Burji La Mountain Pass itself, the trip’s real high point occurs. Travellers must be in good physical shape to handle the strenuous portions of the trek and the high-altitude conditions because the trail travels through difficult terrain. The rewards, however, are limitless as you reach the highest point of the pass, where the most famous mountains in the world spread out before you, their towering spires and snow-capped summits providing an incredible panorama.

Sadpara Lake, a quiet and lovely location that adds to the journey’s overall magic, is visited as the trip comes to an end. It’s important to keep in mind that despite providing an amazing experience, the Burji La walk can be physically taxing due to the difficult terrain and high altitude. A safe and pleasurable excursion depends on proper planning and acclimatisation.

Due to its historical significance, the British previously used Burji La to travel between Skardu and Srinagar. Its significance in the region’s history as a passageway linking Skardu to the Astor and Gultari valleys cannot be overstated.

Finally, the Burji La trek is a voyage that mixes the splendour of the natural world with the excitement of the unknown. This adventure provides an amazing experience for those prepared to embrace the grandeur of the Karakoram Mountains, whether it be the vast, wild landscapes of the Deosai Plateau, the excitement of ascending the Burji La Mountain Pass, or the iconic vistas of towering peaks

The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.
  • Adoption of Covid SOPs/Guidelines and Free Safety Pack (Sanitizer, One Mask, and One Pair of Gloves Per Day)
  • All domestic flights (20 kg for checked bags, 7 kg for hand luggage)
  • All road transfers, including those to and from airports
  • Every hotel in Pakistan (twin-sharing rooms)
  • Every trekking facility in Pakistan (twin-sharing dome tent)
  • Each and every campsite and bridge fee
  • All gear needed for hiking (tents, non-personal tools, etc.)
  • All meals (breakfast, lunch, and supper) and drinks or water consumed while eating
  • Dried fruits, tea, and coffee as snacks along the walk
  • Licensed professional guide required by the government
  • Government documents
  • Islamabad and Skardu sightseeing with all admission prices included
  • Auxiliary personnel (cook, assistant(s), etc.)
  • Porters – 14 kg of personal luggage
  • First aid pack with extremely basic medications
What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.
  • Personal travel insurance (just recommendations)
  • Pakistani visa (Five supporting documents will be provided)
  • Airfare for travel abroad
  • Personal items,( such as walking sticks, down jackets, and trekking shoes)
  • Additional nights in Islamabad (hotel check-in/check-out is at 12 p.m.) are USD 67 more each night.
  • Additional baggage/weight for the trek: US$11 per kg
  • Gratuities/tips for tour operators, porters, workers, etc.
  • Extras including bottled water, a minibar, phone calls, laundry, and souvenirs
  1. Day 01 Arrive at Islamabad International Airport, Islamabad

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 540 m

    You will be met by our guide(s) at the airport. You will soon be taken to hotels. Our participants can unwind and recharge on this day after their exhausting journey.

    Pick-up Details

    With orange placards bearing your name and our company’s emblem, our guide is very simple to identify. You must arrive at Islamabad’s Islamabad International Airport. International flights typically land in the afternoon or at midnight. At least five days before your arrival in Pakistan, you must provide us with the specifics of both your inbound and outgoing flights. Unless you are on a connecting flight from another city in Pakistan, a member of our staff or a tour guide will meet you at the gates of the international arrivals area. You will be transferred to our partner hotel by the guide or staff. If you do not need an airport transfer, kindly let us know in advance.

    Our guide or agent will pick up all of our guests at around 6 p.m. for a briefing and final payments at our office, followed by dinner, after lunch, and some rest at the hotel (preferably if you are arriving in the morning between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m.). We will handle any outstanding fees and the briefing in Skardu if you are running late.

  2. Day 02 Fly to Skardu, Karakoram

    Today’s GPS Altitude data Elevation: 2,498 m

    Participants will take a breathtaking trip this morning from the airport in Islamabad to the airport in Skardu. If the clouds cooperate, you will be able to view Nanga Parbat. The day is free after arriving at Skardu. Stay the night in Chilas in the event of a flight cancellation.

  3. Day 03 Enjoy your free day in Skardu

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 2,498 m

    The participants will trek to Skardu’s Kharpocho fort, which is perched on a mountain, after breakfast. The Indus River and the town of Skardu can be seen beautifully from the Kharpocho fort. The participants can also choose to go on a tour of Sadpara Lake, which will be followed by free time for shopping in Skardu Bazaar.

    Our staff will take care of any additional government paperwork needed in Skardu while you are out exploring. Sometimes, this will require two days. Near the end of the excursion, we have contingency days just in case.

  4. Day 04 Skardu – Explore Deosia Plains

    Skardu to Sheosar Lake After breakfast, we depart for the Deosai plane. En route, we pass Budda Rock, Sadpara Lake, Deosai Bridge, Ali Malik Top, Deosai Main Top, Shatong Nala, Chogo Cho, and Naqpo Chu. Finally, we arrive at our campsite, Sheosar Lake, where we will spend the night. Our only goal is to see the stunning Nanga Parbat if the weather cooperates.

  5. Day 05 Trek from Sheosar Lake to Chogo cho

    Sheosar Lake Towards Chogo cho.It is the first day of our walk from Sheosar Lake to Chogo Cho. It consists of two stages and lasts between four and five hours.

  6. Day 06 Trek to Burji La Base camp

    To Burji La Base Camp, please. Let’s begin our adventure right away. As we hike by the roadside and camp here tonight, we’ll pass by four lakes.

  7. Day 07 Trek to Burji La Base camp To Rgiaul khlas

    To Rgiaul Khlas From Burji La Base Camp.We will cross the Burji pass today and camp at Rgiaul Khlas, making today an especially exciting day for everyone. Getting to Burj La Top takes two to three hours. When we get to the summit, we’ll be able to see five lakes and peaks that are more than 8,000 meters high.

  8. Day 08 Trek back from Rgiaul khlas To Skardu

    Rgiaul khlas in Skardu.After breakfast, we set out on our hike today to the picturesque valley of Skardu, where we will spend the night.

  9. Day 09 Fly to Islamabad

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 538 m

    The participants will fly from Skardu Airport to Islamabad Airport on this day. You’ll enjoy unwinding at the hotel in Islamabad.

    Sometimes bad weather forces the cancellation of domestic flights. If your flight is canceled, you will drive to Raikot or Chilas and spend the night there. By car, it takes ten hours.

  10. Day 10 A backup day in case of flight disruptions

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 538 m 

    In the event that the domestic flight does not run the previous day, this day is set aside for any potential delays. Our guests will leave early in the morning to travel, which could take up to ten hours, from Chilas to Islamabad. If the participants make it to Islamabad on the domestic aircraft, it will be a free day. You could use this time to explore Islamabad.

  11. Day 11 Return home country

    Meals served on this day included: Breakfast

    All of our visitors will be transferred to the airport at the appropriate departure times by our employees. All of our affiliated hotels require a 12 p.m. check-out time.