broad peak expedition

Broad Peak Expedition


Broad Peak Expedition is a well-known adventure climb that provides a gratifying experience in the remote and magnificent Karakoram Range. Climbers around the world come to climb this magnificent peak.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Camping, Climbing, Expedition Style, Guided, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Trekking
  • Activity Level Extreme
  • Group Size Large Group
All about the Broad Peak Expedition.

A renowned and sought-after adventure climb, the Broad Peak Expedition draws mountaineers from all over the world. Broad Peak is a prominent feature in the mountainous environment, standing out amid the Karakoram Range’s breathtaking peaks on the Pakistan-China border. One of the highest mountains in the world, it is referred to locally as “Falchan Kangri,” and its enormous mass justifies the term.

Broad Peak, which is located in the center of the Karakoram Range, commands attention and captivates viewers with its majestic presence along the Baltoro Glacier. It occupies a unique spot among the 8,000-meter giants, rising over the fabled Concordia and situated between the famous K2 and Gasherbrum Peaks.

The unprecedented accomplishment made by an Austrian team in 1957 is etched into the history of the Broad Peak Expedition. Fritz Wintersteller, Kurt Diemberger, and Hermann Buhl created history by summiting the mountain under the leadership of Marcus Schmuck without using high-altitude porters or supplemental oxygen. Numerous mountaineers were motivated to join the Broad Peak Expedition by this amazing achievement, igniting their passion for the mountains.

There are several camps along the way to the top, and each one presents its unique set of difficulties. A large snow face leads to Camp 2 at about 6,400 meters after the climbers go through a rock valley at about 6,000 meters. 

At a height of 7,400 meters, the last camp serves as the starting point for the ascent. Although Broad Peak is not overly steep, its rural location adds to the climb’s distinctive attraction.

Climbers with different degrees of experience can participate in the Broad Peak Expedition. The Baltoro region climb offers a rich and fulfilling journey, regardless of whether the climber is a novice or an experienced mountaineer. The experience of ascending this spectacular peak is truly extraordinary due to the feeling of seclusion and the breathtaking surroundings.

The appeal of the Broad Peak Expedition has grown as new routes and variations have been discovered throughout time. A new route was made possible by Denis Urubko and Serguey Samoilov’s successful ascent of the summit via the South West Face in 2005. The 2008 attempt by Valery Babanov and Victor Afanasiev to ascend the West Face’s central pillar via a different route demonstrated mountaineering’s ongoing research and inventiveness.

To sum up, the Broad Peak Expedition gives climbers a thrilling and enthralling journey that draws them in with its majesty and attractiveness. This climb offers a singular experience that stays in the hearts and thoughts of those who make the route, from the historical accomplishments to the lonely and breathtaking surroundings.  It serves as evidence of the tenacity of people, the spirit of exploration, and the breathtaking grandeur of the highest mountains on earth.

The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.

Inclusions in Base-Camp Service

  • All meals (B, L, D) while on the base camp hike and while at base camp
  • Arrival and departure hotel stays totaling four (4) nights in an Islamabad hotel (bed and breakfast only).
  • Base camp lodging (single supplement)
  • complete base camp with a dining tent, restrooms, showers, and solar power
  • All domestic/internal transportation
  • Every domestic flight
  • 110 lb (65 kg) of personal baggage
  • Royalty and permit fees
  • Liaison officers‘ equipment costs and compensation
  • Group satellite phones and emergency devices with a set calling fee
  • Staff insurance (Guides, cooks, kitchen workers, assistants, porters, etc)
  • Pakistani cook with experience
  • Kitchen personnel
  • Porters for all supplies for the expedition
  • Base camp solar power
  • Generator of electricity (backup for high-voltage equipment)
  • Talking radio (walkie-talkie)
  • Reports about the weather from European sources
What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.

Exclusions in Base Camp Service

  • High Altitude Climbing Leader/Sherpa, Hired from Nepal, (ask for information)
  • Sherpa rope-fixing crew engaged from Nepal (further information requested)
  • Above-base camp lodging
  • (Tent, rope, ice crew, snow bar, EPI gas, cooking pots, stoves, gas, etc.) Group climbing equipment
  • Meals consumed when ascending ((high altitude food/snacks))
  • Personal climbing Sherpa$14, 133 (covers salary, a kit allowance, a royalty fee, round-trip airfare from Nepal, meals in Pakistan, oxygen cylinders and a mask/regulator during the climb, lodging, etc.)
  • Supplemental oxygen suggested for climbers (5 cylinders) – Brand New: $4,950
  • The oxygen kit for climbers, priced at $980, comprises a regulator, mask, hoses, and transportation to high camps.
  • Summit bonus of $1500 for a private Sherpa
  • Airfare for travel abroad
  • Clothing and sleeping gear for any peak higher than 8,000 meters.
  • Insurance coverage for mountain rescue and evacuation is required.
  • Cargo of personal items to/from Islamabad
  • The visa cost for Pakistan
  • Total Tips/gratuities to staff, cook, and assistant(s): US$490
  • Meals in Islamabad
  • Additional hotel stays following the ascent
  • Trip cancellation insurance
  • All costs incurred in the event of an early wind-up or summit (additional hotel stays, hotel meals, and evacuation)
  • Charges incurred as a result of delays that are beyond Karakoram Trails’ control (for cause majeure)
  • Personal correspondence between Pakistan and the home country by phone, fax, and email.
  1. Day 01  Arrive at Islamabad International Airport, Islamabad

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 540 meters

    You will be met by our guide(s) at the airport. You will soon be taken to hotels. Our participants can unwind and recharge on this day after their exhausting journey.

    Pick-up Details

    With orange placards bearing your name and our company’s emblem, our guide is very simple to identify. You must arrive at Islamabad’s Islamabad International Airport. International flights typically land in the afternoon or at midnight. At least five days before your arrival in Pakistan, you must provide us with the specifics of both your inbound and outgoing flights. 

    Unless you are on a connecting flight from another city in Pakistan, a member of our staff or a tour guide will meet you at the gates of the international arrivals area. You will be transferred to our partner hotel by the guide or staff. If you do not need an airport transfer, kindly let us know in advance.

    Our guide or agent will pick up all of our guests at around 6 pm for a briefing and final payments at our office, followed by dinner, after lunch, and some rest at the hotel (preferably if you are arriving in the morning between 9 am and 12 pm).

  2. Day 02 Spend a free day in Islamabad

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 540 meters

    Before departing for Skardu on this day, we will receive a briefing from the Department of Tourism in Islamabad regarding the Broad Peak Expedition.

    Following the briefing, we will spend some time exploring Islamabad and sampling traditional Pakistani cuisine.

  3. Day 03 Fly to Skardu, Karakoram

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 2,498 meters

    Participants will take a breathtaking trip this morning from the airport in Islamabad to the airport in Skardu. If the clouds cooperate, you will be able to view Nanga Parbat. The day is free after arriving at Skardu. The attendees can go shopping and relax in a tranquil valley. Before continuing on to the Broad Peak Expedition, it will be a treat.

  4. Day 04 Spend a free day in Skardu

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 2,498 meters

    The participants will trek to Skardu’s Kharpocho Fort, which is perched on a mountain, after breakfast. The Indus River and the town of Skardu can be seen beautifully from the Kharpocho Fort. The participants can also choose to go on a tour of Sadpara Lake, which will be followed by free time for shopping in Skardu Bazaar.

    Our staff will take care of any additional government paperwork needed in Skardu while you are out exploring. Sometimes, this will require two days. Near the end of the walk, we have backup days in case of delays.

  5. Day 05 Travel to the village of Askole

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 3,015 meters

    As we go to the Baltoro Region on this day, the Broad Peak Expedition will formally begin. The participants will start their jeep safari and travel through the Shigar valley as they head towards Daso. The route will be followed along the Braldu River’s banks as it flows into Askole. The last settlement on our trip will be Askole, where the participants will begin walking after leaving the jeeps behind. However, depending on the state of the roads, participants occasionally start their trek before reaching Askole. You can expect to travel the journey in six to eight hours overall.

  6. Day 06 Trek from Askole to Jhola across the Biafo Glacier's snout

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 3,103 meters

    Distance: 20 km

    Time Required: 5-8 hours

    Once the list of required supplies and equipment is complete, the porters will load up for the journey to Jhola. The Biafo Glacier, which flows over fifty kilometers from Hispar La to Braldu, enters into the valley. The participants will experience walking on moraines as they traverse the glacier’s snout and descend to a picnic area next to the Korofon River for lunch.

    We will travel through the junction of the Braldu and Domordo rivers. Instead of using the older trail for the walk, a more recent trail will take us upstream, where the participants will cross the river by bridge. The participants will descend to the edge of the Braldu River on the opposite side of the bridge and then follow the river bank to the camp at Jhola.

  7. Day 07 Trek from Jhola to Paiju following the Braldu river

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 3,418 meters

    Distance: 19.8 kilometers

    Time Required: 6-7 hours

    The participants in our Broad Peak Expedition will follow the Braldu gorge on this day, along the Braldu river’s bank. The participants will be able to see the impressive rocks of Cathedral Peak and Trango Tower. The participants should take precautions to avoid getting sunburns because it could be an extremely hot and dry day for walking.

    Several glacial streams pour into the valley, and depending on the water level, the participants may need to wear river-crossing shoes. On a clear day, the participants will be able to see the Baltoro Glacier’s snout. The participants on this day will finish their day by ascending away from the river to camp at Paiju, the final site where trees can be seen for a while.

  8. Day 08 Relax and acclimatise in Paiju

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 3,418 meters

    For recuperation and acclimatization, the participants will spend the day at Paiju Camp. The porters, however, will take their time and prepare their own bread for the upcoming glacier week. On this day, an acclimatization walk can be made to the base camp of Paiju Peak. As their bodies will become used to the area, this will be highly beneficial for the participants before the Broad Peak Expedition.

  9. Day 09 Trek from Paiju to Khoburtse

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 3,788 meters

    Distance: 14.7 kilometers.

    Time Required: 5-7 hours

    The walking will get difficult on this day of the Broad Peak Expedition, but the sight will grow better with each step onto the Baltoro Glacier’s snout. Although the track is relatively safe, it is strongly advised that you use caution at all times due to the trail’s frequent uphill and downhill treks on the glacier moraine. As they proceed, the participants will take in the breathtaking vistas of Uli Biaho and Trango Tower. The participants must cross the glacier to get to Liligo.

    From here, the participants will walk over a rocky trail that runs alongside the Baltoro or, on occasion, to Khoburtse, where camp will be set up.

  10. Day 10 Cross small glaciers and walk to Urdukus

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 3,905 meters

    Distance: 6.4 kilometers.

    Time required: 4-6 hours

    After passing by two tiny glaciers on this day of the Broad Peak Expedition, Trango Towers can finally be spotted. The group will stop at Urdukas, which is close to the army camp, for the night after. Camp is 100 meters above the glacier.

  11. Day 11 Trek to Goro II, the junction of the Baltoro glaciers, and Young husband

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 4,285 meters

    Distance: 11.9 kilometers

    Time Required: 6-8 hours

    The Broad Peak Expedition team members will be traversing the glacier on this particular day. Following the medial moraine, we will see views of Masherbrum (7821m) to the south. On the rocky moraine, the players will be trekking up and down, and as they advance, they will encounter enormous ice seracs.

    The confluence of Baltoro Glacier and Younghusband is where the first night’s camp on Baltoro Glacier at Goro II will be set up. The temperature could fall sharply. For the sight, Masherbrum and Muztagh Tower will be exposed.

  12. Day 12 Trek to Concordia through a rocky moraine

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 4,512 meters

    Distance: 11.7 kilometers.

    Time Required: 5-7 hours

    The conclusion for the sighting of K2 will occur on this day of the Broad Peak Expedition when the participants will arrive in Concordia after continually ascending the moraine. Along the journey, more and more lofty snow-capped peaks will be seen. Broad Peak, Mitre Peak, Gasherbrum, Sia Kangri, and numerous other summits are also visible.

  13. Day 13 Trek to Broad Peak Base Camp

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 5,000 meters

    Distance: 8.7 kilometers.

    Time Required: 5 hours

    We’ll keep walking today towards Broad Peak Base Camp. The terrain and moraine are particularly difficult on this day, making the trekking rather difficult. At Broad Peak’s base camp, we may take it easy and rest.

  14. Day 14–43 Broad Peak Ascent

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 5,150 meters

    Distance: 8.08 kilometers

    Time Required: 4 weeks

    On this day, we will begin our ascent of the mountain, and we will keep going for the next four weeks. We’ll have backup days in case there are better weather windows. The Broad Peak Expedition’s base camp will be established by the Karakoram Trails Team, and they will support the expedition all along the way.

  15. Day 44 Trek back to Concordia and rest

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 4,512 meters

    Distance: 11.7 kilometers

    Time: 5-7 hours

    We return to Concordia on this day following the prosperous Broad Peak Expedition.

  16. Day 45 Trek to Ali Camp

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 4,500 meters

    Distance: 14.7 kilometers.

    Time Required: 5-6 hours

    The participants will travel a somewhat different path that is less traveled. The participants should walk on tough ice rather than slick ice as short detours will be required to avoid crevasses. In the event of snow, the competitors and the porters will walk side by side while using crampons that are securely fastened to one another by rope.

    The participants will arrive at Ali camp after a 5- to 6-hour hike, where the base will be located. The name ”Ali Camp” honors a local porter who was the first to pass via the Gondogoro La Pass.

  17. Day 46 Trek to Khuispang over Gondogoro La

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 5,585 meters

    Distance: 19.8 kilometers

    Time Required: 5-7 hours

    The participants will awaken on this day as early as 2 am. The participants will leave for the Gondogoro La base roped as a unit after getting ready and eating breakfast. Depending on the circumstance, our support team will be on hand to mend ropes or assist the members with their equipment. The journey to the summit of Gondogoro La Pass takes roughly three hours. All four 8000ers in the Baltoro region are visible to you, and you may experience their amazing views. (Broad Peak, G2, K2, G1).

    Crampon use is essential for the members’ safety while descending to the other side and fixed ropes will be used to the fullest degree possible. Members will be able to see the stunning Laila Peak (6,096 meters), which has the shape of a sword, as well as other Trinity Peaks.

     To prevent jolting stones on their teammates, the team members will need to descend with additional caution and pay close attention to every step they take. The routes grow easier as you go down the slope, and the participants will walk across the moraine. The camp will be erected at the 4,600-meter-high Khuispang intersection of Trinity Glacier and Gondogoro.

  18. Day 47 Trek to Saicho

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 3,350 meters

    Distance: 20 km

    Time Required: 5-7 hours trek

    The participants will continue hiking down. Since the descent would be relatively easy, the climbing gear, such as ropes and crampons, would be packed. The lush green vistas of Hushe Valley will give way to the hilly and stony terrain.

    The participants will walk to the Gondogoro Glacier’s edge after lunch, where they will find a track that will take them to a stunning valley of rhubarb and grass.

    There are two distinct routes to the location near the valley’s end. The pathways that are often frequented by the local porters will be chosen by our guide.

    When the two routes converge, the hike becomes simple. The participants will see the stone cottages built by settlers and herders in the area. The participants will see evidence of nearby villages on this day, and they will be able to breathe easier because of the large trees and lower altitude. Saicho (3,350m), a section of sand with little grass next to the flowing glacier water streams, will be the site of the camp.

  19. Day 48 Trek to Hushe and drive to Skardu Town

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 2,498 meters

    Distance: 20 kilometers trek and 127 km drive

    Time Required: 5-7 hours trek + 6 hours drive

    On this day, the trip down the river stream of the Charakusa, Ailling, Masherbrum, and Gondogoro Glaciers’ melting water will take the participants only 3–4 hours. The participants will begin to notice indications of homes, shelter, fences, and evidence of habitation.

    The participants will see the two-story shelters of the Hushe hamlet, where the first floor is where the family lives and the lower floor is used for cattle. The participants can explore the lovely quiet valley and connect with the locals after setting up camp. The Gondogoro La Trek’s final camping day would be on this day.

    As soon as they arrive at Hushe, the participants will proceed towards Skardu town, and the trip provides many stunning views of the several little villages in the Hushe Valley. To reach to the other side, the participants must traverse a suspension bridge across the Shyok River, which originates in Ladakh, India.

    Traditional rafts constructed of goat skin filled with air were once used to cross rivers. The suspension bridge that is currently in use was constructed in the 1990s. The participants will arrive at Khaplu after crossing the bridge.

    The route to be taken is the paved road along the Shayok River, which leads to the confluence with the Indus River, and the drive from Khaplu to Skardu becomes easy. In 4 hours, the participants will arrive in Skardu after traveling down the Indus River. The facilities that were unavailable for two weeks are now available to the participants. Taking a hot shower and enjoying a satisfying lunch would be #1 and second on that list, respectively.

  20. Day 49 Debriefing at Skardu

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 2,288 meters

    After the Broad Peak Expedition is over, the participants will receive a debriefing from the Department of Tourism on this day.

    The participants can relax and enjoy some quiet time in the valley following the debriefing.

  21. Day 50 Fly to Islamabad

    Today’s GPS Data Elevation: 538 meters

    The participants will fly from Skardu Airport to Islamabad Airport on this day. You’ll enjoy unwinding at the hotel in Islamabad.

    Sometimes bad weather forces the cancellation of domestic flights. Should your flight be canceled, you will drive to Chilas and spend the night there. By car, it takes eight to 10 hours.

  22. Day 51 A backup day in case a flight is canceled

    In the event that the domestic flight does not run the previous day, this day is set aside for any potential delays. Our guests will leave early in the morning to travel, which could take up to ten hours, from Chilas to Islamabad. If the participants make it to Islamabad on domestic aircraft, it will be a free day. The final paperwork can be signed during this period, and touring is also possible.

  23. Day 52  Return to home country

    Meals served that day included: Breakfast

    All of our visitors will be transferred to the airport at the appropriate departure times by our employees. All of our affiliated hotels require a 12 p.m. check-out time.

Please complete the registration form (click the green “register now and pay later” button) on this page to begin the registration process. Once you submit your form, we will contact you.

If your travel dates do not coincide with our departure dates or if you want to walk alone (with a guide, as required by law), we can arrange solo excursions.

Trekking alone is more expensive than hiking with others. However, it’s crucial to realize that climbing Mount K2 is impossible without a guide and, more crucially, porters (even if a visitor doesn’t want them). Reason: By law, guides are not required to carry any equipment. They need porters to transport everyone’s personal belongings, including the porters themselves, as well as tents, food supplies, equipment, and gas. There are no tea houses or other accommodations, unlike in Nepal. There must be taken enough provisions to last 12–14 days.

People travel in groups on our scheduled excursions, but on the route, nearly everyone walks alone, with the guide following the last member of the group. One of the porters or assistants advances in front of the group. The time gap between the first and last can be up to one or two hours. All hikes on Baltoro are fairly long, so nobody is rushed and everyone moves at their own leisure.

Additionally, we plan treks for exclusive groups. Please get in touch with us and let us know the dates that would work best for your group if you were interested in going on a different journey with your own friends or family.

As a group grows in size, the cost of treks for private groups reduces.


Spending some time getting ready before you leave would be quite fair. You can ask a professional trainer for advice or, on the other hand, you should abide by the fundamental guidelines (hike, long walks, and other cardio exercises that will help you build stamina), knowing that your body should be in good enough shape to walk for extended periods of time and climb for extended periods of time on difficult terrain made up of boulders, dirt, snow, and glacial ice.


You’ll feel a range of temperatures while on your trekking vacation. Up to 45 °C, 30 °C, and 26 °C were recorded in Islamabad, Skardu, and Askoli, respectively. Until we reach the camp at Concordia, when the temperature can be as low as 10 °C or more, a typical day will be warm unless the sky is clouded. The slopes leading up to the Gondogoro La Pass will be covered in snow until early July.

We might be able to walk on snow in June along the highest portions of Baltoro Glacier. By mid-July, snow usually starts to melt. In August and September, snowfall may be possible depending on the weather.

Temperature changes are erratic in the Karakoram Range. Temperatures between Paiju and Concordia may drop to -10 °C at any point throughout the trekking season.

Fixed Departures can reach temperatures as low as -10 °C in September. The Karakoram Range is unaffected by monsoon rains, therefore the summer months are ideal for trekking since they offer clear skies. The participants must be ready to deal with any unfavorable weather circumstances, nevertheless, based on our prior experiences and the fact that the weather is unpredictable.

It is customary for participants to at least give the devoted porters a tip for their labor, which includes lugging heavy loads of supplies and luggage. If the participants are pleased with the guide kitchen crew’s assistance, a payment of between 95 and 120 euros (or its equivalent in your currency) can be made to cover the entire cost of this component. Our trek’s tour guide or leader will be essential in determining how much to tip each crew member and staff member. A “thank you” ceremony will be planned at the end for participants to pass off their tips. Porters who depart early will receive tips earlier

The participants will receive all three meals—breakfast, lunch, and dinner—during this excursion. Our menu will contain a mix of foods from abroad and within Pakistan. Pakistan will be the source of the food’s ingredients. Coffee, cereal, tea, eggs, muesli/porridge, toast, and chapatti will all be included in the breakfast meal. On the trek, lunches will be eaten during the lunch breaks. Options include canned or tinned meals (meat, fish), pickles, crackers, chapatti, pate, and cheese, among others. Our lunch menu for the day is heavily influenced by the weather; participants will start or conclude their meals with tea, coffee, juice, soup, etc.

Every night, the meal will be served in the mess tent, where everyone will congregate to eat the freshly cooked food made by the cooks traveling with our crew. As long as they are nutritious and fresh, fresh veggies will be offered during the first few days of the journey. All vegetarian participants must get in touch with our office and let us know in advance if they require a vegetarian meal plan while on the trek.

Iodized water will be given to trekkers in the mornings, while they are taking breaks and camping. Everybody will drink spring water whenever it is available, but if we run out of options, the participants may have to drink glacier water, which may contain silt.

It is common practice to store water in very big kitchen containers, which also aid in settling the silt particles at the bottom. Participants are welcome to bring their own supplies of bi-carbonated soda if they are sensitive to the smell of iodine. Although everyone benefits greatly from traditional approaches, trying out new ones has no negative effects.

The participants must check in at Islamabad International Airport on the first day. At the gates for international arrivals on the airport grounds, our staff or guide will meet and greet our guests. The host will be escorted to their hotel by the guide or crew. If any of our guests do not need to be picked up from the airport, they must let us know in advance.

Two days ahead of their arrival in Pakistan, they must also provide us with the specifics of both their incoming and departing flights. Our office will email you the names and phone numbers of our office staff after receiving confirmation of your registration and payments.


The majority of the nights will be spent tent camping among the majestic mountains, with a few nights being spent in Skardu and the capital city of Islamabad. While the accommodations in Islamabad are in conventional hotels, the lodgings we chose in Skardu town are some of the best. The accommodations we give at the hotels will be twin-sharing rooms with en-suite bathrooms.
The participants will share a tent large enough for two people while camping. Any person who is traveling on this walk alone will be accommodated by sharing a tent and a room with another participant. First preference will be given to stays with people of the same gender for strangers and lone hikers.

However, a participant can choose a separate tent or hotel room if they so choose; however, there will be an additional charge for arranging a separate arrangement. Participants requiring special assistance must notify our office in advance.

The participants will be awakened by our guide for coffee or a warm cup of tea throughout the trekking days, which will be followed by a satisfying meal in the mess tent. Before breakfast, there will be plenty of time to pack the luggage. After breakfast, the camps will be shut down, and the porters will resume carrying supplies and luggage so that the participants can arrive at the lunch location and begin meal preparation before them. Porters will repeat the procedure in order to get dinner ready for the participants by using the “trek earlier” strategy. Before lunch, a typical hike lasts three to four hours.

Typically, lunch takes an hour, so this is a great opportunity to relax, regain strength, write, read, and do other activities.

The length of the walk will be shorter after lunch than before. The camps will already be put up or already be going when you get to the next camping location. Participants will be given a hot beverage when they arrive at the camp, and supper will be served when it is ready. Once at a camp, participants can relax, read, write, interact with others, and take pictures and videos. The temperature typically drops at night, allowing participants to feel cozy in their sleeping bags and enjoy a full night’s sleep before the next day.

It may be necessary to bring portable chargers, storage cards, and extra batteries on the hiking trip. To ensure that your devices continue to work as long as possible, we urge you to compile a list of all the adapters, plugs, and other electrical equipment you could need.

To find out the best portable battery chargers please visit this link.

We strongly advise our guests to take some time to study the official travel advisories on their country’s Foreign Office website because we endorse and advocate all travel and health safety efforts by various nations across the world. Our first goal is to make sure that our guests are safe. Once we are confident in the safety and security, we won’t begin the journeys. We shall be in constant contact and engage in bilateral communication with the guest who has been reserved for Pakistan.

Overall Rating


Package Confirmed Dates Trip Status Trip Status Price (PP) Excluding Flights Price (PP) Including Flights  
June 19, 2025 - August 9, 2025
December 29, 2024 - February 18, 2025
December 29, 2025 - February 18, 2026